English Exam

Annyeong chingu!!!

How are you all doing? May you always be in good health. This time the blog I wrote is different from before. This time I would like to provide a link to a video and some random questions that I got for the exam.

Quetion and answer:

3. What topics can be for opinions?

Answer: Anything can be given on opinion.

4. Give your opinion about viral issues!

Answer: I think prewed couple who burns the Bromos savana should be imprisoned.

8. In what situation do you have to be aware of short functional text? Give your reason!

Answer: Like when we are at a vacation place, we have to be aware of it so that we don't get lost.

9. What is recount text?

Answer: Descriptive text ia a description of a certain something.

11. How do you like Semarang? (3 sentences)

Answer: Semarang has beautiful city light, when I visiting historical place in Semarang, The roads and streets are clean.

13. What is recount text?

Answer: Recount text is a text that tells the reader about events or expreriences from the past.

14. How many types are recount texts? Give the title of each type!

Answer: Personal recount, Factual recount, Imaginative recount, Literary recount. They are 5 type of recount text.

17. What are the characteristics of news items?

Answer: Headline, Main event, Background event, Source.

18. Suppose you are in a place of a burning building, what things will you say?

I would scream help.

20. What are the characteristics of a procedure text?

Answer: Goal, Materials, Steps

Here is a link to a video about the answers to these questions that I uploaded to Instagram. Please enjoy the video

Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxW5G_ny-zJ/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==

Thank you for reading and watching the video through the link that I shared. Hopefully you all like my blog this time and hopefully I also get the best value for me. See you in the next blog. Bye bye!! :)


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